On Tuesday, April 29th, the Budapest Centre participated in the regional meeting on the Responsibility to Protect organized by the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the United Nations Office of the Special Advisors on the Prevention of Genocide and the Responsibility to Protect. The meeting focused the attention on the role of international assistance and development cooperation regarding the Responsibility to Protect with the view of contributing to an exchange of ideas on the Second Pillar of the Responsibility to Protect.

An event co-organized by the Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation, the Bellagio Forum for Sustainable Development and the Budapest Centre
within the Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development

April 18, 2013 11:00 am – 12:30 pm
World Bank Headquarters | Washington DC
Room MC C1 – 110


LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome and the Budapest Centre, with the cooperation of the Task Force on the EU Prevention of Mass Atrocities and the Aegis Trust

Wednesday 10 April 2013, 11.00 am, Room A210, Faculty of Political Sciences LUISS “G. Carli” University
Viale Romania 32

An event promoted by the Budapest Centre for the International Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities and the Legal Vice-Presidency of the World Bank – partners of the Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development – in collaboration with USAID.

The role of Italy in EU peacebuilding and conflict prevention

In date April 4th, 2014, the Budapest Centre participated to a Roundtable on the role of Italy in EU peacebuilding and conflict prevention organized by the European Peace Liaison Office in partnership with Centro Studi Difesa Civile (CSDC) and the European Network for Civil Peace Services. The meeting was held at the European Parliament International Office in Rome. Several Italian and international NGOs and other organizations from the civil society sector took part to the meeting, which was held in two consecutive sessions.

The Budapest Centre will partecipate to the luncheon session: Responsibility to Protect and Mediation: Friends or Foes? in the context of the INITIATIVE ON MEDIATION IN THE MEDITERRANEAN REGION “Promoting a Culture of Mediation and Prevention in the Mediterranean” organized in Brdo, 11 March 2014 by the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

CONCEPT NOTE of the luncheon session:

During the High Level Panel on the 65th Anniversary of the Convention on the Prevention on Genocide of the 25th Session of the Human Rights Council held in Geneva on 7 March, 2014 the Missions of the European Union, the Republic of Montenegro, Poland and Hungary shared the work of the Budapest Centre in the prevention of mass atrocities and underlined the importance of the Report of the EU Task Force on the Prevention of Mass Atrocities in supporting the work of regional mechanisms to assess their capacities to boost prevention policies.