On Wednesday October 21st, Enzo Maria Le Fevre Cervini, Director of Research and Cooperation of the Budapest Centre, has attended the launching conference of the Report on Reception of Migrants and Refugees in Italy.

Le Fevre participated in the event as a member of the group of experts that elaborated the document, composed by ten specialists of different backgrounds. The group was constituted in January 2015 by the Department of Civil Liberties and Immigration of the Italian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Experts 1

The need for the Report originated form the necessity of facing the implications of the huge number of refugees’ landings during the last years. The specific aim of the Report is to elaborate an in depth evaluation of the current migratory phenomenon and of its future perspectives. In addition, the document quantifies the direct and indirect public investments, including the costs and benefits analysis, and identifies good practices with the aim of improving the efficiency and efficacy of the Italian reception system.

Experts 3

The Report provides a punctual analysis of the Italian reception system and will contribute to the circulation of knowledge and awareness on the matter.