Special report ‒ The impact of violent extremism on the recent COVID lockdowns, Radicalisation Awareness Network

The impact of COVID-19 on preventing and countering violent radical extremism, Radicalisation Awareness Network

The rise of Violent Right-Wing Extremism in Europe, Radicalisation Awareness Network

PRACTICES Toolbox (1/4): Extremist content analysis tool, EFUS

PRACTICIES Toolbox (3/4) EN: “Digital Me” - telling stories to prevent violent extremism, EFUS

Understanding Radicalisation and Raising Awareness, EFUS

Developing a Local Multi-agency Strategy, EFUS

Prevention and Resilience-building, EFUS

De-radicalisation and Disengagement, EFUS

Counter-narratives, EFUS

RAN Webinar on "Radicalisation Hubs in the EU", Radicalisation Awareness Network

RAN Webinar on Preventing Polarisation by Creating a Shared Identity, Radicalisation Awareness Network

RAN YOUNG webinar: radicalisation and prevention, Radicalisation Awareness Network

The role of alternative narratives in preventing discrimination, polarisation and radicalisation at the local level, EFUS

Design and alternative narrative campaign and create messages that offer a positive alternative to discriminatory speech, EFUS

Explainer: What causes extremism. The Univeristy of Sydney.

An inside look at Islamic extremism | Mubin Shaikh. TED Archive.